A Baby is a Miracle

This little tiny baby.....Was sent from God above To fill our hearts with happiness.....And touch our lives with love...He must have known........We'd give our all,And always do our best,To give our precious baby love.....And be grateful and so blessed.

Prince Frank

Prince Frank

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Rose

When he takes me in his arms,
He speaks to me from his heart.
I see the life of rose,
He says "I Love You" with ordinary words,
It rises from the ground.
He touches me again,
It's entered my heart;
The color begins to show.
An unfamiliar part of happiness,
Of which I know the cause.
This is the guy for me,
It blooms into vivid life.
He is the one for me,
The reason my heart beats.
As beautiful as a rose.

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