As I look into you eyes I know the reasons why My life's worth a thousand skies You're the simplest love I've known And the purest one I'll own Know you'll never be alone...........
A Baby is a Miracle
This little tiny baby.....Was sent from God above To fill our hearts with happiness.....And touch our lives with love...He must have known........We'd give our all,And always do our best,To give our precious baby love.....And be grateful and so blessed.
Prince Frank

Saturday, December 18, 2010
MY BABY YOU (Marc Anthony)
As I look into you eyes
I know the reasons why
My life's worth a thousand skies
You're the simplest love I've known
And the purest one I'll own
Know you'll never be alone
My baby you
Are the reason I could fly
And 'cause of you
I don't have to wonder why
Baby you
There's no more just getting by
You're the reason I feel so alive
Though these words I sing are true
They still fail to capture you
As mere words can only do
How do I explain that smile
And how it turns my world around
Keeping my feet on the ground
I will soothe you if you fall
I'll be right there if you call
You're my greatest love of all...........
As I look into you eyes
I know the reasons why
My life's worth a thousand skies
You're the simplest love I've known
And the purest one I'll own
Know you'll never be alone
My baby you
Are the reason I could fly
And 'cause of you
I don't have to wonder why
Baby you
There's no more just getting by
You're the reason I feel so alive
Though these words I sing are true
They still fail to capture you
As mere words can only do
How do I explain that smile
And how it turns my world around
Keeping my feet on the ground
I will soothe you if you fall
I'll be right there if you call
You're my greatest love of all...........
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Pregnancy Week 18
Your pregnancy now: 18 weeks
Age since conception: 16 weeks [more about dates]
What your baby's up to
Your baby continues to grow rapidly. His bones are continuing the ossification (hardening) process and the pads of the fingers and toes are formed. He even has his own set of fingerprints developing as well. Your baby is approximately 5.5 inches and weighs about 200 grams (7.5 ounces).
Your baby can kick, swallow, and sleep. He also is developing his stomach, intestine and colon and the intestines collect meconium (the initial stool a baby will pass after birth. If the baby is a boy, the prostate will begin to develop this week as well. The skin is still a bit pink and transparent and his ears still stick out from his head. The four-chambered heart begins to build up muscle cells and is pumping between 25 and 30 quarts of blood per day.
About you and your body
You may find that sleeping is increasingly difficult as your body grows. Several things you may want to try is to prop yourself with pillows to help you find a more comfortable sleeping position. Perhaps you may want to invest in several firm pillows or a pregnancy pillow to help you get comfortable. Also, try doing pelvic tilts before bed and always urinate before laying down.
You may be getting light-headed, dizzy or even feel faint from time to time. This is normal and is only cause for concern if it happens frequently (more then several times daily) or severely (causing you to pass out and fall). This condition is referred to as "postural hypotension" and occurs because your cardiovascular system isn't reacting as quickly as it did before pregnancy. Postural hypertension most commonly occurs when you go from one position, such as sitting, to another position, such as standing, too quickly. The best thing to do is to move slowly when changing positions. Move to the edge of the sofa or chair and allow yourself to get steady before slowly standing.
Age since conception: 16 weeks [more about dates]
What your baby's up to
Your baby continues to grow rapidly. His bones are continuing the ossification (hardening) process and the pads of the fingers and toes are formed. He even has his own set of fingerprints developing as well. Your baby is approximately 5.5 inches and weighs about 200 grams (7.5 ounces).
Your baby can kick, swallow, and sleep. He also is developing his stomach, intestine and colon and the intestines collect meconium (the initial stool a baby will pass after birth. If the baby is a boy, the prostate will begin to develop this week as well. The skin is still a bit pink and transparent and his ears still stick out from his head. The four-chambered heart begins to build up muscle cells and is pumping between 25 and 30 quarts of blood per day.
About you and your body
You may find that sleeping is increasingly difficult as your body grows. Several things you may want to try is to prop yourself with pillows to help you find a more comfortable sleeping position. Perhaps you may want to invest in several firm pillows or a pregnancy pillow to help you get comfortable. Also, try doing pelvic tilts before bed and always urinate before laying down.
You may be getting light-headed, dizzy or even feel faint from time to time. This is normal and is only cause for concern if it happens frequently (more then several times daily) or severely (causing you to pass out and fall). This condition is referred to as "postural hypotension" and occurs because your cardiovascular system isn't reacting as quickly as it did before pregnancy. Postural hypertension most commonly occurs when you go from one position, such as sitting, to another position, such as standing, too quickly. The best thing to do is to move slowly when changing positions. Move to the edge of the sofa or chair and allow yourself to get steady before slowly standing.
I'M Happy
lama nya tak menaip la sibuk ngan keja,kursus, aktiviti sekul,lagi satu yang utama masalah line ni...kadang2 tak dapat buka fb tak dapat buka ym dah tu tak dapat buka blog...baru harini ke dapat semua nya..
lama nya tak menaip la sibuk ngan keja,kursus, aktiviti sekul,lagi satu yang utama masalah line ni...kadang2 tak dapat buka fb tak dapat buka ym dah tu tak dapat buka blog...baru harini ke dapat semua nya..
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Fenomena Halo
Tarikh : 06 Ogos 2010
Masa : 1140am
Tempat : SK Nanga Balang
Fenomena halo (bahsa Greek: ἅλως) adalah lingkaran cahaya seakan-akan pelangi yang mengelilingi Matahari atau Bulan. Ia adalah sejenis fenomena optik. Ia adalah fenomena yang lebih kerap terjadi daripada kejadian pelangi.
Radius 22° halo tidak kelihatan. Ia seperti helaian yang berlapis-lapis atau sabuk pada permukaan awan cirrus yang tipis. Awan ini sejuk dan mengandungi es kristal walaupun pada iklim yang sangat panas.
Masa : 1140am
Tempat : SK Nanga Balang
Fenomena halo (bahsa Greek: ἅλως) adalah lingkaran cahaya seakan-akan pelangi yang mengelilingi Matahari atau Bulan. Ia adalah sejenis fenomena optik. Ia adalah fenomena yang lebih kerap terjadi daripada kejadian pelangi.
Biasanya kejadian melibatkan putaran radius 22° halo dan sundogs(Parhelia). Dalam gambar menunjukan matahari di kelilingi oleh 22° halo dan dilambungi (sisi) oleh sundogs. Parhelic circle itu adalah biasan cahaya kristal yang melapisisi sundogs dan mengelilinginya. Kadangkala ia melapisi keseluruhan ruang langit dalam latitut yang sama dengan matahari. Pembinaan tangen ketinggian dan rendah (Upper Tangent arc and Lower Tangent arc) menyentuh secara terus dengan 22° halo sama ada di atas atau dibawah matahari. Pembinaan Lengkungan (Circumzenithal arc) akan terjadi di atas semua kristal tersebut.

Halo sangat besar. Ia selalu mempunyai diameter yang sama dalam posisinya di langit. Kadang-kadang hanya sebagian saja yang muncul. Semakin kecil cincin cahaya yang terbias muncul mengelilingi matahari atau bulan dihasilkan oleh corona dari lebih banyak titisan air daripada dibiaskan oleh ais kristal. Ia tidak mengaitkan bahawa hujan akan turun.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Chelsea’s wedding poem
"The Life That I Have"
The life that I have
Is all that I have
And the life that I have
Is yours
Is all that I have
And the life that I have
Is yours
The love that I have
Of the life that I have
Is yours and yours and yours.
Of the life that I have
Is yours and yours and yours.
A sleep I shall have
A rest I shall have
Yet death will be but a pause
A rest I shall have
Yet death will be but a pause
For the peace of my years
In the long green grass
Will be yours and yours
And yours......
In the long green grass
Will be yours and yours
And yours......
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I still believe your my destiny

through everyone and the fight-ful fears
you took my hand looked me in the eyes
and said "don't worry baby its all lies"
i know its all lies cause of the way it is
i can't help but melt into your kiss
through all the problems and lies
i know its wrong but i can't help but wonder why
i still believe that you are my destiny
that me & you were so meant to be
even with the drama and the stupid things
and all the stuff in between
i love you and just the fact of tomorrow
makes me live through sorrow
just knowing seeing you're face the next day
makes me go on yeah that I'd have to say
we'll make it through i know we will
no matter what our love can kill
I'm here for you you're here for me
that's all i need you're my destiny .
Feeling your love caress my heart
Feeling your light touch my soul
Feeling like the golden sun
Feeling the way you move me
Feeling your mind touch my life
Knowing I can't lose you
For you are my life, heart, and soul
Forever I am yours.
Feeling your light touch my soul
Feeling like the golden sun
Feeling the way you move me
Feeling your mind touch my life
Knowing I can't lose you
For you are my life, heart, and soul
Forever I am yours.
My Rose
When he takes me in his arms,
He speaks to me from his heart.
I see the life of rose,
He says "I Love You" with ordinary words,
It rises from the ground.
He touches me again,
It's entered my heart;
The color begins to show.
An unfamiliar part of happiness,
Of which I know the cause.
This is the guy for me,
It blooms into vivid life.
He is the one for me,
The reason my heart beats.
As beautiful as a rose.
He speaks to me from his heart.
I see the life of rose,
He says "I Love You" with ordinary words,
It rises from the ground.
He touches me again,
It's entered my heart;
The color begins to show.
An unfamiliar part of happiness,
Of which I know the cause.
This is the guy for me,
It blooms into vivid life.
He is the one for me,
The reason my heart beats.
As beautiful as a rose.
Monday, July 19, 2010
How do you know when you're in love?
How do you know when you're in love
is it the crazy things you do
is it the fact that my heart skips a beat
everytime that i think of you
Is it the fact that I can't sleep at night
when your image is in my head
Or is it the fact that I can't stop smiling
after every word that you've said
Is it the need to hold you in my arms
and keep you there forever
Or is it the fact that I wrote you a poem
and sent it to you in a letter
Is it this awful feeling deep inside
whenever I have to take you home
Or is it just being here without you
that makes me feel so alone
Is is this hunger deep inside
that longs for your kiss
I am so happy that I'm in love
for there are so many things I would miss.
is it the crazy things you do
is it the fact that my heart skips a beat
everytime that i think of you
Is it the fact that I can't sleep at night
when your image is in my head
Or is it the fact that I can't stop smiling
after every word that you've said
Is it the need to hold you in my arms
and keep you there forever
Or is it the fact that I wrote you a poem
and sent it to you in a letter
Is it this awful feeling deep inside
whenever I have to take you home
Or is it just being here without you
that makes me feel so alone
Is is this hunger deep inside
that longs for your kiss
I am so happy that I'm in love
for there are so many things I would miss.
How do you know when you're in love?
How do you know when you're in love
is it the crazy things you do
is it the fact that my heart skips a beat
everytime that i think of you
Is it the fact that I can't sleep at night
when your image is in my head
Or is it the fact that I can't stop smiling
after every word that you've said
Is it the need to hold you in my arms
and keep you there forever
Or is it the fact that I wrote you a poem
and sent it to you in a letter
Is it this awful feeling deep inside
whenever I have to take you home
Or is it just being here without you
that makes me feel so alone
Is is this hunger deep inside
that longs for your kiss
I am so happy that I'm in love
for there are so many things I would miss.
is it the crazy things you do
is it the fact that my heart skips a beat
everytime that i think of you
Is it the fact that I can't sleep at night
when your image is in my head
Or is it the fact that I can't stop smiling
after every word that you've said
Is it the need to hold you in my arms
and keep you there forever
Or is it the fact that I wrote you a poem
and sent it to you in a letter
Is it this awful feeling deep inside
whenever I have to take you home
Or is it just being here without you
that makes me feel so alone
Is is this hunger deep inside
that longs for your kiss
I am so happy that I'm in love
for there are so many things I would miss.
LoVe So Sweet
Love So Sweet
You woke me from my sleep
and drenched my heart with a love so deep.
When I look into your eyes
I see my reflection,
my feelings for you I do not despise.
You treat me like the princess I should be
by pouring your sweet and sensual love all over me.
When I see you bitting your lip and anxiously trying to kiss me,
I debate in my mind whether or not I should let you taste me.
You stand there all quiet with your sexy body,
and I think in my mind, "Oh, my gosh, what a hottie."
When I hear you speak, all your beautiful voice does
is make me weak.
I love you for this and
I love you for that,
but you love me for everything and that.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
My Heart My Love My Soul
My Heart My Love My Soul
With all the hardships and pain
laughs, long talks
sometimes we drive each other insane
but when it comes to loving you
I do
no one could ever compare
because no one is as support, caring, and true
with all my heart
I love you more and more
from start to end to end from start
our loves grows
with every breath we take
you are my love my hear my soul
no matter what the price
or risks I must take
or even what I have to sacrifice
you are my best friend
my only one
I will be here with you until the end.
By Gary R. Hess
Feeling your love caress my heart
Feeling your light touch my soul
Feeling like the golden sun
Feeling the way you move me
Feeling your mind touch my life
Knowing I can't lose you
For you are my life, heart, and soul
Forever I am yours.
I still believe your my destiny
I Love You Poems by Toasty
Through so much drama and tears
through everyone and the fight-ful fears
you took my hand looked me in the eyes
and said "don't worry baby its all lies"
i know its all lies cause of the way it is
i can't help but melt into your kiss
through all the problems and lies
i know its wrong but i can't help but wonder why
i still believe that you are my destiny
that me & you were so meant to be
even with the drama and the stupid things
and all the stuff in between
i love you and just the fact of tomorrow
makes me live through sorrow
just knowing seeing you're face the next day
makes me go on yeah that I'd have to say
we'll make it through i know we will
no matter what our love can kill
I'm here for you you're here for me
that's all i need you're my destiny .
Your Smile
I met you at church,
But you live in Illinios.
You came to visit your grandma and grandpa,
With your mom and dad.
After one service,
You kept looking at me...
So I smiled, and
You smiled back.
Your smile made me see..
You were the one,
But you're way to shy,
So i can't tell you my secret...
That I really like you.
My Love
Have you ever loved someone so deeply?
Have you ever looked into her eyes and seen her heart?
Have you ever wished just to hold her, not utter a word, and find her in this silence?
Have you ever thrilled at the possibility to lose her?
Have you ever found the life with her?
Have you noticed the sparkling stars with her?
Have you ever felt utterly nothing without her?
I have.
Come live with me and be my love
Famous poem by Christopher Marlowe
Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove
That valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods or steepy mountain yields.
And we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.
And I will make thee beds of roses
And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;
A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of th purest gold;
A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs:
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me and be my love.
The shepherds' swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.
Love So Sweet
by Jessica Kae Teal
You woke me from my sleep
and drenched my heart with a love so deep.
When I look into your eyes
I see my reflection,
my feelings for you I do not despise.
You treat me like the princess I should be
by pouring your sweet and sensual love all over me.
When I see you bitting your lip and anxiously trying to kiss me,
I debate in my mind whether or not I should let you taste me.
You stand there all quiet with your sexy body,
and I think in my mind, "Oh, my gosh, what a hottie."
When I hear you speak, all your beautiful voice does
is make me weak.
I love you for this and
I love you for that,
but you love me for everything and that.
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